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Diabetes Eye Exam

Diabetes is a condition that prevents the body from using and storing sugar properly. As a result, excessive amounts of sugar remain in the bloodstream and if uncontrolled, can cause damage to the tiny blood vessels all over the body, including those in your eyes.

When Do I need a Diabetic eye Exam?

If you have pre-diabetes, borderline diabetes or are diagnosed with diabetes it is recommended to have an eye screening. Diabetes Canada recommends to have an annual eye exam screening for diabetes in the eye.

How Does Diabetes affect Your Eye Health and Vision?

When diabetes is not well controlled in your body the damaged blood vessels can leak fluid, swell and bleed or grow abnormal blood vessels on the retina.

There are treatments available for diabetic retinopathy, however it is important to have regular diabetes eye exams to diagnosis the conditions earlier for a better prognosis.

Other conditions that diabetes in the eye may lead to:

  • Macular edema– Where the center of the retina can swell because of the leaky blood vessels, and this can results in blurred or distorted vision
  • Glaucoma – Neovascular glaucoma can develop in eyes with diabetes and this can increase the pressure of the eyes and can result in tunnel vision in advances conditions
  • Cataracts – Cataracts can progress earlier in people with diabetes due to the increase sugar in the blood. This creates a cloudy buildup in the eyes natural lens leading to cataracts. Vision can be blurred and people can become very light sensitive.



